Mathematica for economist
The first classroom version of Mathematica for economists was published in January 2003. After successful testing in the classroom and given the demand for the book, the authors discussed with the editors the layout and language for this edition. After evaluation of various options, the present format was chosen. The language aspect has been tested and it has been found that the students develop a quick and deep understanding of the material, so that English was chosen for practical reasons, given also that Mathematica is the research and evaluation tool adopted. After one year of dissemination of the material and testing, Mathematica is used by faculty members and the system is available to students at any terminal in the computer network at the Universidad Autonóma Metropolitana at Iztapalapa (UAM-I). To efficiently start with the applications, the UAM-I runs regular seminars on the workings of Mathematica.
The theoretical material in the book has been revised and the chapter on problems contains many economic examples created and selected considering the usefulness for the students. Several years of experience in teaching have shaped the nature of the problems, which, we believe, will be interesting for the whole range of students, from the first term up to advanced levels.